Max Sherwood

Max Sherwood

Crypto Enthusiast, Investor & Educator

After almost ten years since I first came across Bitcoin, I am more excited than ever to see how blockchains are changing money forever. It’s been a wild ride, I’ve tried it all and learned from success and failure. I’ve done things like make a 4x gain in a few months by staking (“mining”) a new proof-of-stake altcoin, or making hundreds of profitable trades every month by using bots to automatically trade the altcoin markets. My main focus, however, is investing in bitcoin over the long term and trading its 4-year cycle. In preparing for the previous next market cycle, I accumulated bitcoin from February-August of 2019, beginning with purchases at $3,390/BTC and watching the portfolio triple in value by the end of the year already.

Why I started Wholegrain Crypto

Wisdom & Wealth: Are Bitcoin Newcomers Doomed?

I believe that blockchain is a radical technology forever changing the way we store and transact value. It’s also clear to me that although bitcoin's adoption and market continues to grow, it does so through periods of extreme boom and bust. This market volatility has the effect of distorting bitcoin’s image and muddying the water for everyone involved, directly impeding progress towards widespread adoption. 

When I look at my own investment strategy and think about this current cycle and the next bubble, I can’t ignore the fact that my accumulation in 2019 was buying from people likely capitulating out of the market, and any "sell high" orders in 2021 could have been to ordinary people overcome with FOMO and the dream of making it big. Those same people who likely walk away from bubbles having their first experience of bitcoin and blockchain be one of harmful financial loss. How many years thereafter will it take to explain the potential for blockchain to improve their lives and allow them to take back control of their wealth?

I started Wholegrain Crypto in order to make it possible for individuals drawn into the crypto space as investors to see the big picture and make the right moves, coming out on top and having a lasting positive image of bitcoin. I think that education is the current priority for bitcoin’s adoption, and the dissemination of high-quality, honest investment information is severely lacking in this space. Moreover, if and when large swaths of ordinary retail investors understand and act on the market cycle principle, we will see the bubbles reduce and an era of price stability begin, bringing us one step closer to bitcoin’s adoption.